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Re: [recommenders-dev] [gsoc] Models API Weekly Report


here is my short update for this week, I'm sorry for the short delay:

What I had planned for this week:
Set up a proper maven build, which exports the product for three different platforms (windows, mac, linux) with native launchers included.

What I have done this week:
So, build setup is complete and working fine now :)
Since a product export from the Eclipse IDE last week didn't really worked for me, I was highly surprised that the tycho-p2-director plugin was capable of exporting my product without any further problems than the usual maven issues.

Besides that, I had to fix some minor problems in the export (similar to the ctrl.flow server problems in the first versions).
Logging with SLF4J is in progress, the output of my CLI application is a little bit confusing right now. However, a first executable dev version is available at:

Just start the native launcher artifact (e.g. for windows: livedoc.exe) in your favorite console without any parameters, you should get an output like this:
Option "-r" is required
 [MavenCoordinate] : <GroupId>:<ArtifactId>:<Version>
 -d FILE           : Destination directory for output files
 -jar              : Want to have an zipped jar output for javado
                     Requires '-d <OutputDir>'
 -p VAL            : A list of packages to javadoc, otherwise all
                     packages in the maven coordinate will be use
 -r URL            : URL of Maven Repo
 -u URL            : ...uploads the updated javadocs to the repository
 -verbose          : Output messages about what Livedoc is doing

(Please tell me if you get something different....)

A correct execution goes like this:
./livedoc.exe -r <SourceMavenRepoURL> -u <DestMavenRepoURL>  <GroupId>:<ArtifactId>:<Version> -d <SomeFolder>
Livedoc will then resolve the artifact, download and javadoc it, place the javadoc output to your destination folder (use '-jar' for an additional jar packed file) and upload your javadoc jar to the destination repository (optional).
Any further suggestions and bug reports are welcome, but keep in mind: It's a bleeding edge alpha version! ;)

What I have planned for the next week:
- Implement a proper logging output.
- Maybe some usability tweaks, like a correct error reporting.
- Start implementing additional Doclets/Taglets with Code Recommenders statistics.

Best regards,


Am 27.06.2013 18:48, schrieb Marcel Bruch:

I'd like to remind you to send your short status report and plan for next week to the list.

It would be great if your mail would contain what you initially planned for this week, what you achieved, where you struggled with (and maybe why), and what your plans are for the next week. For the first point, simply having the paragraph you wrote last week in the mail is good enough ;-)


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