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Re: [recommenders-dev] [args] setting up a build and update site

Hi guys, 

   Thx very much for your help! Now we have made our project follow the directory structure and make sure it can generate a update site by maven successfully. 

   So we want to push this project to repo. But it seems that my email address is not registered(the registered email address is  ”kutschke.michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx“). And we check the creation of repo(Bug 397823), find that the creation of repo is before we became the committer.So is that means we don't have permission to submit our code now?

  Hoping to get your help! Thx!

BTW, following is the error message when we push our project to repo.

remote: ERROR:  In commit 2e6865759feed5a4b438756cfa2ea111f668d50b
remote: ERROR:  committer email address kutschke.michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
remote: ERROR:  does not match your user account.
remote: ERROR:
remote: ERROR:  The following addresses are currently registered:
remote: ERROR:    tong.wu.stap@xxxxxxxxx
remote: ERROR:
remote: ERROR:  To register an email address, please visit:
remote: ERROR:
To ssh://tongwustap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/recommenders.incubator/
 ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/for/master (invalid committer)
error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://tongwustap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/reco

2013/2/6 Andreas Sewe <andreas.sewe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> just in case you still have problems: I think the target definition does
> not contain the actual code recommenders plugins. As you seem to depend
> on them, you need to build them via maven as Andreas explained for maven
> to be able to use them, but also for Eclipse to be able to use them as
> dependencies of your projects inside the IDE, i think you also need to
> import the projects into your workspace.

well, the easiest option is to include our update site (probably not the
head site, though) in a special .target file against which you build.
That way you wouldn't need a locally build Code Recommenders (although
importing the code into Eclipse is probably still a good idea for
debugging purposes), but could depend simply on the binary artifacts.

That being, if you could just publish your set of standard Eclipse
bundles & features in your Git repo (doesn't have to build with Tycho
yet), then we have something concrete to talk about.

Best wishes,

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