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Re: [recommenders-dev] [args] setting up a build and update site


> just in case you still have problems: I think the target definition does
> not contain the actual code recommenders plugins. As you seem to depend
> on them, you need to build them via maven as Andreas explained for maven
> to be able to use them, but also for Eclipse to be able to use them as
> dependencies of your projects inside the IDE, i think you also need to
> import the projects into your workspace.

well, the easiest option is to include our update site (probably not the
head site, though) in a special .target file against which you build.
That way you wouldn't need a locally build Code Recommenders (although
importing the code into Eclipse is probably still a good idea for
debugging purposes), but could depend simply on the binary artifacts.

That being, if you could just publish your set of standard Eclipse
bundles & features in your Git repo (doesn't have to build with Tycho
yet), then we have something concrete to talk about.

Best wishes,

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