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Re: [recommenders-dev] [args] setting up a build and update site


>          We are trying to create an automated build and update site. But
> we didn’t find any useful information about it.
> Now we have three projects (plug-in project, feature project and update
> site project) in our workspace. Is that means if we push the plug-in and
> feature projects to the repository in a specific structure, then the
> update site will be automated built and generated without uploading the
> update site project from our workspace?
> If you have some reference material will be appreciated.

have a look at how we organize things at

First of all, we use Maven+Tycho
<> to do the build. So, the
following is enough to build Code Recommenders:

> git clone
> cd org.eclipse.recommenders
> mvn clean install

And this is essentially what Hudson (our CI server) does as well. If
this Maven build is successful, Hudson then publishes the update site.

Now, what does this mean for your incubator project?

First of all, please follow our directory structure of "plugins",
"tests", "features", and "dist" (the latter contains a project that
produces your update site which is then published by Hudson).

Second, please inherit from our parent POM (Maven coordinates
org.eclipse.recommenders:org.eclipse.recommenders.parent:1.0.3-SNAPSHOT). This
ensures that you are using the same (tried and tested) settings for the
various Maven plugins as we do.

If you want to have a look at another project that does this, have a
look at <>, where Michael develops the
next version of the Jayes library used in Code Recommenders.

All this makes it easier to eventually graduate your project from the
incubator and merge it with the main codebase.

Hope this helps, but if you have any more questions, please ask.

-- - the knowledge transfer company

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