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[recommenders-dev] crowd sourcing code completion - experiment II


Gerrit yesterday announced our first code completion that incorporates the knowledge how you used code completion in the past to create better (call chain) recommendations in the future. I'm quite curious how this will develop.

But obviously any other completion engine may benefit from crowd sourcing in the same way too. For instance we could crowd source intelligent code completion using a similar approach or learn better ranking system by just knowing how developers use code completion.

We thus have written a small add-on for the new "Code Recommenders (all)" completion engine that dumps various code completion events to disk and submits this log to our server for further analysis.

Your assistance (read completion data sharing) on evaluating how code completion can be crowd sourced is greatly appreciated ;)

To help us, you just have to install the latest Eclipse Recommenders plugins from HEAD update site + the completion tracker plugin from our (non-eclipse) update site [1]. To collect and share usage data, just make sure you run the Recommenders All completion engine on the default tab. That's it. The data collector can be deactivated by uninstalling the "Codetrails: Completion Analyzer" plugins.

Please note that this is not part of the Eclipse project but a service we hope to provide outside of Eclipse in the near future.

Thanks for your time - and little usage data ;)

-- – The ctrl+space company

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