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[recommenders-dev] Ask for suggestions on better implementation solutions


My name is Cheng Zhang, a student who is fascinated by this interesting 
project, Eclipse Recommenders. 

Inspired by Eclipse Recommenders and Marcel's FSE' 09 paper, my lab 
mates and I have been developing an argument guessing tool which tries 
to provide more sophisticated actual parameters/arguments for selected 
API methods (if they need some arguments). But due to our limited knowledge 
of Eclipse plug-in development, the current implementation is not standard, 
that is, we directly modified the source code of JDT, instead of using some 
extension points.

More specifically, we focus on the org.eclipse.jdt.ui project, which provides 
the default parameter recommendations. We find out that 
ParameterGuessingProposal extends JavaCompletionProposal, which 
represents the best guess completion for each parameter of a method, 
in package. Our modifications of default JDT 
project are all limited in this class.

The only method we have changed is guessParameters(char[][] parameterNames)
in which JDT gets all the accessible local variables, selects and ranks them and 
shows them to end users. Here we just call our recommendation engine, and 
combine our results with default recommendations, before JDT returning these 
to users. The context information which JDT has already prepared is enough for 
us to perform our recommendations.

Would you please give me some suggestions on better implementation solutions? 
I think our current solution is non-standard, uneasy to install, and thus probably 
unacceptable for serious users.


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