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Re: [recommenders-dev] Eclipselabs now support GIT

Am 16.07.11 11:01, schrieb Marcel Bruch:
Thus, it's not perfect yet but setup for new projects is trivial:

* add google user name to committers list
* tell which repository name to use
* go!

It could be a problem, that each student needs a google account then. Surely the majority has an account, but I know at least two people, that don't have one and would never create one.

Since you cannot force a student to register with google, kind of a "fallback" system has to be provided for students like this. But I doubt, that the maintenance effort is reduced if two different systems are involved.

I fully agree, that for most student projects a complete code review system does not make sense. But since I have no idea of the maintenance efforts needed to run the current hudson/gerrit config, I abstain from my vote.


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