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Re: [recommenders-dev] Stacktrace parser/detector

Hi Johannes, I'll take a look at it. Tomorrow we have a holiday here in Brazil, so it will be a good opportunity to do that.


On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Johannes Lerch <lerch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Paulo,

i pushed some initial content to the stacktraces repository. You didn't configure access to that one yet, right? Check to get informations about what you will have to do.

Current state contains data structures of stacktraces and a parser for stacktraces. There is also a provisional Crawler implementation for Bugzilla and a basic implementation of the webservice.


2011/6/14 Paulo Sérgio Medeiros <pasemes@xxxxxxxxx>
Hi Marcel,

Glad you like it. Yes, when I thought about the UI I was assuming that a community would emerge around it. I think it is not so risky assumption since every developer deals with stacks on daily basis. Anyway, I understand your point that maybe it is "too much" for a first step.

It's ok to start only with "just a search engine", but i think it is important to allow the insertion of new stacks throught its UI (and/or throught IDEs plugins). It also importante to notice that if we "only have a search engine" then we have to be better and more useful than google.

Just one more thing, the images haven't came to my e-mail as attachments. I think they are embedded and their resolution is pretty poor. I can't read your comments.

BTW: good luck with your presentations :-) ... waiting for news in your blog.


On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Marcel Bruch <marcel.bruch@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Paulo,

nice screenshots. I hope you get the UI done in less than 6 days :) I like the SO-like UI (at least I felt reminded of SO quickly). I added a few comments to your screenshots. 

What comes in my mind when looking at your UI: It assumes that there is already a user community  that has stacktraces and people answering questions, right? 

I'm not sure whether this is an appropriate assumption for the start such a stacktrace engine with. What do you think about having "just a search engine" that points you to other resources in the web that discuss similar stacktraces? I clearly agree that having the SO UI and spirit is what we want in the long term. However, I just fear that starting with a complete app won't get accepted. What's your thought on that?

Johannes and me started this afternoon to create the webservice for the stacktrace search engine and crawler. It will take us a few days until we are ready to share the first draft. Unfortunately, priorities for next week will force us to work most of the time on Calls Completion and Extended Documentation next week. I have two talks on 20.06.: one at the Eclipse DemoCamp Munich, the other one at Google Software Engineering Labs in Munich. Consequently, we will put most of our time into improving the existing tools  for these talks.

Anyway, the discussion on the UI should continue. 




Hi all,

I'm here to share with you my first sketches. I used a tool called balsamiq, pretty good by the way (i only have 7 days to use it).

I drew three screens which I think contains about 80% of the most important behavior that the user will interact with. The first is of course the search screen. Then, the results page and, finally, the discussion (about the stacks) screen.

I hope that you can follow my ideas (that would be a sign that the design is good :-), but I commented must of the not obvious functionality. I hope that you like it and, please, come up with sugestions! ;-)

See ya,

On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 2:14 PM, Marcel Bruch <bruch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 05.06.2011, at 17:58, Paulo Sérgio Medeiros wrote:

> Should I put the two items that I suggested on the previous mail in?

Yes, please.

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