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Re: [ptp-user] How to supply host list with "Generic MPICH2 Interactive" target configuration ?

Hi Greg and first of all, thank you for your feedback !

To give you further details, i'm trying to use Eclipse PTP (Neon) as a development/debugging platform for use with MVAPICH2 2.2.

Thanks to your previous instructions (with some little differences as MVAPICH2 recommends to use mpirun_sh command instead of mpiexec, which has a slightly different syntax), i finally have my jobs correctly running on the specified hosts and everything seems to work fine.

I'm now trying to debug the HelloWorld sample application with 2 jobs to debug on my local host and I get the following error in the console output:

#PTP job_id=2593
[joel:mpirun_rsh][signal_processor] Caught signal 2, killing job

Then, I have to cancel the launch as the "Progress information" dialog never ends. Finally, i get an error dialog with the message:

Error completing debug job launch

Cannot connect to debugger

Have you any idea about this issue ?

Thank you for your help !

2017-01-24 21:32 GMT+01:00 Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
It looks like a bug. Are you familiar with how to edit target system configurations? If not, see this FAQ [1].

When you have the XML file in your workspace, find the following line:

<submit-interactive name="submit-interactive" directory="${ptp_rm:directory#value}" waitForId="true" keepOpen="true">

Now add the following four lines just before the line <arg>-np</arg>

<arg attribute="useHostFile" isUndefinedIfMatches="false">-hostfile</arg>
<arg attribute="useHostFile" isUndefinedIfMatches="false">${ptp_rm:host_file#value}</arg>
<arg attribute="useHostList" isUndefinedIfMatches="false">-host</arg>
<arg attribute="useHostList" isUndefinedIfMatches="false">${ptp_rm:host_list#value}</arg>

Save the file and try creating a new run configuration using the modified target configuration. Let me know if it works.


On Jan 23, 2017, at 11:25 AM, jo.randria <j.randrianandrasana@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


First of all, thank you for this powerful tool !

Apparently, neither the "host file" option nor the "host list" one seems to be supplied to the mpiexec command...

Is this a bug ? If it isn't, how can i supply a host list for the execution with the "Generic MPICH2 Interactive" target ?

Thanks !


Joël Randrianandrasana

71, rue Belin, 51100 Reims

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Joël Randrianandrasana

71, rue Belin, 51100 Reims

(+33)6 76 83 32 11

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