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[platform-ui-dev] toolbars disappear when modal dialog opens in Eclipse 4.2

I noticed that in Eclipse 4.2 my toolbars disappear every time I open a modal dialog box. They reappear when the dialog is closed. 
This creates a lot of flickering. Eclipse 3.x did not have this problem. 

What I want to achieve is:
      	Add multiple actions ( menus and toolbars ) and only make them visible in my perspectives. 
	My users to be able to easily hide or show all my actions if they are not planning to use them.

How I made it ( and it worked in Eclipse 3.8). 
	I contributed a action set "myplugin2.myActionSet" that is not visible - I want my actions to be visible only in my perspective. 
	I contributed a perspective "myplugin2.perspective1" and added "myplugin2.myActionSet" to my perspective. 
	I contributed a menu item and a toolbar and made them visible when the active context had "myplugin2.myActionSet" in it. 

When I run Eclipse 4.x with my plugin my actions appear only in my perspective. 
If I open a model dialog in my perspective my actions disappear, that creates lots of flickering. 

If this a bug in Eclipse 4.x, since it works in Eclipse 3.x?



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