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Re: [platform-swt-dev] Hired/sponsored work

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 3:15 AM, Aleksandar Kurtakov <akurtako@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Thomas Singer" <ts-swt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Friday, 9 December, 2016 9:56:00 AM
> Subject: [platform-swt-dev] Hired/sponsored work
> Hi,
> I'm not sure this is the right way to ask, but I don't know a better one.
> Our company's applications (SmartGit, SmartSVN) highly depend on SWT and
> we would prefer to see some reported bugs fixed or enhancement requests
> implemented rather sooner than later. Hence we consider to support the
> Eclipse foundation or SWT developers with commit permission financially.
> What would be the correct way in doing that? Who we should contact?

I can not give you definite answer but AFAIK all currently active committers are currently hired by companies setting priorities for us. From my POV best thing to do is to hire someone with either SWT or underlying WS knowledge and grow him/her into committer. I can promise helping if this path is taken with reviewing/guiding esp. if we speak for GTK backend (as I don't know much/anything about the other WSs).
Or maybe someone will pop up offering his service here :)._______________

We have a fair bit of documentation on how to get started with SWT development:

As with Alex, I'd also be happy to help out to get him/her started and review patches etc... (I work on the gtk port).

Voting on bugs sometimes helps. I sometimes work on bugs that have votes from relevant parties.

Btw, which bugs do you want to have fixed? (just curious).

Thank you

Leo Ufimtsev
Software Engineer, Eclipse team.
Toronto, Canada

Red Hat, Inc.
Leonidas@xxxxxxxxxx |


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