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Re: [platform-swt-dev] Snippet77 simplification

The reason the listener is added to the parent of the table and not to the 
table itself is because by the time the table Resize event is sent, the 
scrollbars for the table have already appeared.  You want to adjust the 
column widths before the table is resized to avoid the flash caused by 
scrollbars.  On some platforms where the scrollbars are always present 
(just disabled when not required) you will not see this flash.

Here is the bad scenario we wish to avoid:

Shell is made smaller causing the parent composite to make the table 
smaller horizontally.
When the table is made smaller, before the resize callback is sent, the 
columns are too wide to fully display horizontally so a horizontal 
scrollbar appears.

With the code change you suggest, on Windows XP, I see the horizontal 
scrollbar appearing and disappearing like crazy as I resize the shell 

Benjamin Ranck <benjaminranck@xxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: platform-swt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
08/09/2005 02:18 PM
Please respond to
"Eclipse Platform SWT component developers list."


[platform-swt-dev] Snippet77 simplification

I've been playing around with tables and I have found a much simpler
way to get the same effect as Snippet77, instead of adding to the
composite I added the listener directly to the table:

ControlAdapter() {
                                                 public void 
controlResized(ControlEvent e) {
area = table.getClientArea();
 column1.setWidth(area.width / 2 - 2*table.getBorderWidth());
 column2.setWidth(area.width / 2 - 2*table.getBorderWidth());

seems to work automatically with or without the scroll bar.


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