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Re: [platform-swt-dev] OS X port problem with Jag


I've recently upgraded to Jaguar and now Eclipse doesn't work. I know it was working before, and I was using the latest build Andre had up on the official Eclipse devel page. I tried again, making sure I copied the plug-ins correctly, and removed the Win32 that was already in the Windows distribution. I also made sure I didn't use Stuffit that would truncate the filenames.

What version of Eclipse are you using?
What Mac (dual processor?), how much RAM.
What Java version?

All Eclipse seems to do is to bounce in the dock, then exit silently. I've tried clicking it again, but the same happens.

Any message in the Console log or .log file?

I'm really stumped here, because Andre and others say that can get Eclipse working on 10.2, but I can't. What am I doing differently?

Have you tried to start with a new workspace (by renaming the old one)?

Sorry, that you experience problems...

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