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Re: [photran] Root exception: java.lang.Error: Unable to close VPG database

Hi Nick,

Sorry for the delayed reply.

When I run the org.eclipse.photran.core.vpg.tests, I get the following errors in the console. The root cause seems to be because it is unable to close the VPG database. However, all the tests (1411/1411) still pass.

The error is reproducible on several machines (different operating systems).

Is the error a reason for concern? Also, what is the reason for this error?

As long as it's only happening in the unit tests (not in Photran proper), it's nothing to be concerned about.

Interesting that it is occurring on different OSes. A couple years ago, it was only on Mac OS X.

The ChannelClosedException is coming from some code that we copied from CDT several versions ago and basically treat as a black box. The last time we looked at it (2010?), it was not occurring deterministically, so no one tried to step through it and determine a cause...


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