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Re: [orion-dev] Proposals for enhancement to ContentAssist

oh and sorry forgot.

Here are the bug IDs:

I'll try to implement the image approach because that's what Holger
needs as well.

Am 16.11.12 10:45, schrieb Tom Schindl:
> Am 13.11.12 20:14, schrieb Andrew Eisenberg:
>>> I have no idea how plugins can provide CSS-Styles and what security
>>> concerns this would bring in the web orion space because I'm coming from
>>> the embedded story only.
>> Understood.  We are largely in the same situation.  We are using the
>> Orion editor without the server and have very different security
>> concerns.  I am not an expert in this area.  I only know that an
>> earlier proposal by me was rejected due to security.  Perhaps someone
>> more familiar with this issue can comment.
> I guess you are talking about:
> I can understand the security problem with HTML but not the CSS one.
> Maybe Susan can explain what problem is with that.
>>>> 2. Perhaps instead of a styleClass, you simply provide an icon (just a
>>>> url to an icon that you want to use).  And delegate the rest of the
>>>> styling to the segments.  Or is there something more fundamental that
>>>> you would like the styleClass to handle?
>>> Having an icon only would probably do the trick. I thought a styleClass
>>> would be nicer and provide users more possibilities but if there's a
>>> security concern with using a styleClass, an image would be enough for
>>> my use case as at the moment.
>> The way that you are doing things now requires a fixed set of styles
>> in embeddededitor.css.  This may be fine, but where do we draw the
>> line as to which styles should be included?  The three styles that you
>> have now are specific to Java and JavaFX.  They don't make sense for
>> JS, HTML, or CSS.  We'd need separate styles for all of them, plus any
>> other languages and markup Orion is going to officially support.  And
>> we couldn't support anything else.  For this reason, an img url would
>> be best.
> Right but shouldn't we first find out if plugins can contribute
> first someone tell us if one can or cannot contribute CSS-Styles from a
> plugin? If it is not possible then we'll have to go with the image
> approach. IIRC Holger said he's providing an image and even instead of
> pointing to an URL he's sending them as Base64-Encode ones.
> Tom

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