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[orbit-dev] Multiple bundle recipes for httpclient-* vs. a single one for httpclient-osgi?

Hi all,

a while ago, when Roland announced S20161205183421, I pointed out on
this list [1] that the new org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient bundle
didn't contain certain packages anymore, e.g.,
org.apache.http.client.fluent or org.apache.http.client.cache.

We said back then that this was intentional and that there should be
more fine-grained o.a.h.httpclient.* bundles at Orbit in the future,
e.g., o.a.h.httpclient.fluent or o.a.h.httpclient.cache.

While preparing recipes for the two bundles, however, I noticed that the
upstream project *does* provide OSGi-bundles (i.e., JARs with OSGi
manifests), but just not at the granularity they provide ordinary JARs at.

On Maven Central, there exists an OSGi bundle at GAV
org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient-osgi:4.5.2 (Bundle-SymbolicName
org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient), that contains code for at least
the following non-OSGi JARs: GAV
org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.2 [3],
org.apache.httpcomponents:fluent-hc:4.5.2 [4]
org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient-cache:4.5.2 [5].

While I personally think that this inconsistency is a bad idea on part
of the Apache HttpComponents project, it raises the interesting question
which "cut" of HttpComponents bundles Orbit should contain:

1. Should it contain just an EBR recipe for
org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient-osgi:4.5.2 [2], the argument being
that it contains the "official" OSGi-manifest for HttpClient


2. Should it contain EBR recipes for all the fine-grained HttpClient
JARs that are available at Maven Central [3,4,5], the argument being
that these are the "primary" output of the HttpComponents project and
that the httpclient-osgi artifact was merely added as an "afterthought"
by them.

I honestly don't have a good answer to this right now, but I think it
should be discussed on orbit-dev (and before I spend a lot of time on
EBRs and CQs ;-).

That being said, I think that we should (in the long run) work with the
HttpComponents project towards option 3:

3. The HttpComponents project should include OSGi manifests with all
their fine-grained JARs, which Orbit would then contain. (Maybe then
drop the httpclient-osgi umbrella bundle or simply let it reexport the
others' packages.)

What do you think?

Best wishes,


[1] <>

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