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[open-measured-data-wg] technology for future ODS Version

Dear openMDM working group,


as we are discussing technology topics in the WG and the architecture committee right now, I would like to point to an evaluation of the technology for future ODS versions (6.x) that was ordered by the ASAM office and carried out in the first and allready finalised step by Fraunhofer IAIS and will be continued in the second, still ongoing step by s+c (performance tests).


It is the “Evaluation for the applicability of Apache Thrift and Protocol Buffers for ASAM ODS 6.0” where the two technologies are evaluated for serialization and RPC capabilities. In the first step the evaluation was on a more formal level adressing activity of the projects, documentation, language support, encoding support (types of variables), API / RPC features, security features, …  but also basic performance tests. The second part focusses on performance with the typical bandwith of ODS data.


As a result it became clear, that the two technologies are very similar in many aspects. Apache Thrift is recommended in the report mainly because of better support for the realisation of web services.

ASAM members can download the report and a presentation here:


Best     Dietmar



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