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[nebula-dev] CDateTime version update?

Hi Nebula Team,

I have a question regarding the version policy of our "released" widgets. In detail I'm talking about the CDateTime widget.

I created a NatTable editor based on CDateTime because the SWT DateTime control has several issues. There I realized that CDateTime is published with version 0.14.0. CDateTime also has a dependency to CWT which is published with version 0.9.0.

I just learned that there are release rules regarding the usage of plugins in incubation state. While of course Nebula as project is in incubation, people assume that the released widgets with a version >= 1.0.0 are stable and mature. But plugins with a version < 1.0.0 is still seen as incubation/unstable and therefore not allowed to use it within projects in the release train.

Honestly I'm not sure about that rules and NatTable is not part of the release train. But NatTable is consumed by projects in the release train. Now if NatTable breaks the release rules by consuming incubation plugins, it would affect these projects too.

There hasn't been a lot of activity in these two projects, despite some cleanups a few months ago.

I would like to bump the versions of these two projects to 1.0.0, so I am able to release a NatTable editor based on CDateTime without introducing issues to other release projects.

Are there any objections regarding such an update?


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