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[nebula-dev] Paperclips needs an official release


an issue we have right now is that Nebula can't be consumed by Eclipse release train projects because it does not have any official "release" with the Foundation and IP blessing.

An example is where the Sirius project had to disable one of its feature for this. Of course "consumming" projects can also "fork" the components they are using but besides requiring efforts from the project it also means code will diverge or fix will not get to the hand of consummers.

This is a problem which is getting more and more painful for Paperclips, and at this point I see two alternatives : a -The 12 components maintainer in Nebula are willing to do a release of Nebula-Release. It would be a good timing to move this project out of incubation a the same time as there is the Nebula Incubator for incubating projects, if you all agree we can schedule it to land about EclipseCon Europe. b - Paperclips moves to its own subproject just like Nattable and then do its releases and manage its lifecycle on its own.

I'm looking for feedback from you, I'm willing to help wherever I can to get the "a" option done if it makes sense for the other maintainers, but I'll have to fall back to the "b" option pretty quickly as I need this sorted out for the Sirius 2.0 release in late October and I expect delays from getting the "Restructuring Review" process.



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