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Re: [nebula-dev] GeoMapViewer example

Ah yes, I also added a relayoutexample right after recreateexample in
the create(Composite) method.

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Hallvard Trætteberg <hal@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 08.05.12 15.38, Wim Jongman wrote:
>>> Did you test that it has effect also for the initial layout. It's only
>>> when
>>> the control and layout is refreshed by triggering relayoutExample() that
>>> the
>>> hFill and vFill values are used. This bit me when I implemented my
>>> suggestion. I needed to introduce a configureLayout() method and use it
>>> both
>>> in recreateExample() and relayoutExample():
>> Yes, i saw that too. The trick is to also give the booleans their initial
>> value.
> Well, that trick didn't work for me, since for the first layout it uses a
> GridData instance that has not been updated based on the hFill and vFill
> fields. So even though I did set hFill and vFill, the layout wasn't affected
> until I forced a relayout by changing some options. That's why I introduced
> the configureLayout method and used it in recreateExample and
> relayoutExample.
> Hallvard
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