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Re: [nebula-dev] Ordering columns programmatically?


did you try Table.setColumnOrder(...) on your table widget?


On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 8:30 AM, Stapleton, Mike
<Michael.Stapleton@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Maybe someone can help me here? I want to be able to build different
> pre-defined data groupings. I have a dropdown which allows the user to
> select the group of data they want to see. In the process of doing this the
> order of the columns needs to change to match the new data and grouping.
> This requires me to add/delete some columns as well as reorder some columns.
> I provide content and label providers to define each data grouping and reset
> them and the input when the user makes a selection from the Group By
> dropdown menu. I added a function in my extension of the XViewer Factory
> that calls clearColumnRegistration and then I re-register the columns in the
> order I want. Problem is that the columns never reorder. The new content and
> label providers appear to get set and my data gets re-ordered but the column
> headers remain in the same position? So the headers don’t match the column
> data? I now you can hide and reorder columns from the Customize Dialog and
> by just dragging columns to a different position but I’m interested in doing
> this programmatically to get the data the user really wants to see and the
> way they want to see it. I’m I going about this in the right way or am I
> missing something? Anyone try something like this yet? Any explanation of
> why I can’t reorder the columns by clearing them from the registration and
> re-registering then would be helpful.
> TIA,
> Michael
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