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[nebula-dev] XViewer treeviewer

Hi all,

I have been working on trying to get my model too behave like a tree table. I have tried several different approaches but I must be missing something or some point? Here’s what I’m seeing:


If I wrap my model objects in a Task wrapper as shown in the example, I get a great table with all the data laid out as expected. This is because each Task object contains a row of objects that match up with the columns defined in the Factory class. The XViewer logic loops over the defined column identifiers and sends the same wrapper object to my getColumnText in my label provider with a different column identifier which queues me on what data to request from the wrapper object. However, for each column defined, it also sends the same wrapper object to my content provider methods, but the wrapper has no relationship to my model? The column objects inside my wrapper do but the interface only allows for one relationship to be passed out and besides, the objects inside the wrapper are a tiny portion of the overall model?


If I redesign my input so that the relationships between the objects can be understood by the tree viewer, such as an array of arrays or a linear array with the root node being the first object in my list then I actually get my model objects to my content provider code and can enforce the relationships from there. However I get the same object sent to my label provider for the number of columns defined (with a different column identifier of course) so I get row data that is unidentified for all but one column? I get a node that I can expand/collapse based on the definition set in my content provider but, of course most of the data is garbled?


I’m I missing something here? I don’t see how to separate the table from the tree if my content provider getChildren gets called with the same object times the number of columns that exist. Anyone have an example of XViewer behaving as a tree table? I’m probably just missing the big picture here but I’ve walked through the code several times in the debugger and it is not clear to me how to get the tree and table part to work independently of each other?


Any help would be appreciated.



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