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[nebula-dev] Re: Calendar Combo Question

After reviewing the code a little bit more, it looks like the latest change that was made will almost do what I am looking for.  I could listen for a DateParseException and set my model value to null when a invalid date is specified.  The only problem is that the parseTextDate() method does not notify with a DateParseException if a NumberFormatException occurs which is what will happen if you enter a invalidate date such as "09/03/2000a".  The catch on Exception should also throw a DateParseException instead of just printing the stack trace.  At least that way we know that something is wrong with the date.

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:29 AM, Marty Jones <martybjones@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have setup a CalendarControl and added a CalendarListener.  I noticed that if I enter in a valid date into the CalendarCombo control such as "09/03/2009" the CalendarListener fires and lets me know tha the date changed.  The problem comes in If I change the date by adding the letter a to the end "09/03/2009a" then the CalendarListener does not fire because there is a parsing exception.  This leaves the control having a value that is inconsistent with the last value that the CalendarListener set.

I guess what I am asking is should the CalendarListener event still be fired in the event of a ParseException and set the date value to null so that the state of the control and the model stay consistent?

This can be easily accomplished by modifying the code in the parseTextDate method.


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