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Re: [nebula-dev] Animation framework

Thanks for sharing this. I'd be interested in the code if it gets open-sourced.


On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Roland Tepp <roland@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

If anyone is interested, I have also developed an (swt) animation framework of my own in my company. Below is a design document I scribbled up when I was planning features and api for the framework. I am currently in the process of convincing management to release the code to open source (let's hope they have no objections)


Transitions and animation are becoming quickly very popular in various user interfaces. Mostly known from Flash and web interfaces, these are quickly becoming popular in desktop applications as well. In environments that provide easy to use API for supporting animations, judicious use of smooth transitions between various UI states does not only serve as pretty eye-candy for the user to admire, but it also increases usability by drawing attention where it is due (highlighting changes) or reducing perceived latency.

SWT as such does not provide any special support for animation, thus implementing even such simple animations as sliding message boxes or fade in/out effects, has to be implemented separately in each individual case.

New animation framework, if implemented correctly should make some of the pain of animating and transitioning go away by introducing simple to use, streamlined API for choreographing desired widget animations. Simple animations should be simple to create and run and complex animations should be possible to create by composition of simple animations.

This API is not yet fully implemented - this documentation aims to specify the requirements for the API and help to gain the understanding in how this framework should be implemented.

Basic consideration when designing this API are that it should be as descriptive as possible without enforcing any more verbose initialization that is absolutely necessary.

Reading the code that initiates the animation should yield automatic understanding what kind of animations are applied and to which elements.

It should be possible to animate any property of any object (not just SWT controls). In this sense, the animation could be defined as gradual change of the value of a property of an object over time.

Simple animations

Animating a change of a single property should be as straight-forward as possible:


public void animate1(Control control) {


    new Move(control, new Point(0, 0), new Point(100, 100),

             Easing.FAST, Easing.EaseInOutQuad);




The above code snippet would move the control quickly from point (0,0) to (100, 100), starting up slowly, speeding up and then slowing down again towards the end.

Basic signature of the animation constructor should probably look something like this:

AnimationType(Object target[, Object start], Object end[, int duration][, Easing ease]);


Where target is the target object (usually Control) that will be animated, start is (an optional) start position of the property to be animated, end is the end position of the property to be animated, duration is the duration of the animation in milliseconds and easing is the progression easing strategy.

For the sake of the brevity and readability, start, duration and easing attributes could be optional. Start attribute would have to default to whatever is the current position of the animated property; duration would default to 1s; and easing would default to linear progression. See also #Cascading animation attributes

Position of an animation is just a generic term to represent a value of the animated property. For example in case of Move animations, position is a Point in 2 dimensional plain. In case of Resize animation, position represents dimensions of an object and in case of Foreground or Background animation, position is a color.

Parallel animations

To run multiple animations in parallel, you would wrap these inside Parallel animation container:



  new Parallel(

    new Move(control,   new Point(100, 100), new Point(0, 0),

                     Easing.DEFAULT, Easing.EaseOutQuad),

    new Resize(control, new Point(0, 0), new Point(100, 100),

                     Easing.DEFAULT, Easing.EaseOutQuad)




The above code snippet would basically "grow" the control from bottom right to top left by moving its upper left corner from point (100,100) to (0,0) and at the same time resizing it from size of (0,0) to (100,100) pixels.

Chaining animations

Sometimes, it is necessary to run multiple animations chained one after another, so that when one animation finishes, another starts and so on, until the last animation has finished.



  new Sequence(

    new Resize(control, new Point(0, 0), new Point(100, 100),

                        Easing.SLOW, Easing.EaseOutQuad),

    new Move(control, new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 100),

                      Easing.SLOW, Easing.EaseOutQuad)




Above snippet first resizes the specified control from (0,0) to (100,100) pixels and then move it horizontally from (0,0) to (0,100).

Complex animations

By combining chained animations and parallel animations, more complex animations can be created:



  new Sequence(

      new Parallel(

          new Resize(control, new Point(0, 0), new Point(100, 100),

                              Easing.FAST, Easing.EaseInQuad),

          new Move(control, new Point(0,100), new Point(0,0),

                            Easing.FAST, Easing.EaseInQuad)


      new Move(control, new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 200),

                        Easing.DEFAULT, Easing.Linear),


      new Parallel(

          new Resize(control, new Point(100, 100), new Point(0, 0),

                              Easing.FAST, Easing.EaseOutQuad),

          new Move(control, new Point(0, 200), new Point(0, 300),

                            Easing.FAST, Easing.EaseOutQuad)






Controlling animations

Orchestrating an animation is a job of special Animator object whose sole responsibility is to spawn new animation thread when animation is started and manage the synchronization of the animation thread and UI thread, tick off the animation frames at the suitable frame rate and kill the animation thread when animation ends.

The two most important methods an animator has are start(Animation) and run(Animation)

The difference between these two is that start(Animation) starts an animation in a separate thread and returns immediately, while run(Animation) method returns only when the entire animation has completed.

In addition, the Animator and Animation classes allow adding listeners to them that allow interested parties to get notified of various animation related events like when an animation was started, stopped, paused or resumed:


Animator.addListener(new AnimationListenerAdapter() {

  public void animationFinished() {

    /* perform follow-up actions here */





Cascading animation attributes


This feature would be nice to have in future, but it really severely complicates the inner workings of the animation framework, so at the moment this is not implemented.


It should be possible to define common animation attributes (animation target, length and easing strategy) for a composite animation container (e.g. Sequence or Parallel) and have it cascade through to contained animations.

The aim is to simplify animation definition code as much as possible and increase its legibility.



  new Sequence(control,

      new Parallel(Easing.FAST, Easing.EaseInQuad,

          new Resize(new Point(0, 0), new Point(100, 100)),

          new Move(new Point(0,100), new Point(0,0))


      new Move(new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 200),

               Easing.DEFAULT, Easing.Linear),

      new Parallel(Easing.FAST, Easing.EaseOutQuad,

          new Resize(new Point(100, 100), new Point(0, 0)),

          new Move(new Point(0, 200), new Point(0, 300))






Easing is acceleration, a change in speed. When an object is moving, it has a velocity of some magnitude. When the object is not moving, its velocity is zero. In the real world, velocity doesn't suddenly jump from one value to another. Most movements in nature have some kind of easing. Organic processes typically involve forces. If the forces aren't in balance, acceleration is produced. Our minds make this connection between acceleration and force intuitively. When we see the velocity of an object gradually changing, we infer that some force is steadily pushing or pulling it. As a result, animation usually looks more natural and fluid when it follows similar rules.

There are three categories of easing: ease-in, ease-out and ease-in-out. Ease in starts slow and speeds up towards the end of the motion. Ease out is the opposite of ease-in — starting fast and slowing down towards the end. Ease in-out is the combination, that starts by easing in and finishes by easing out.

The framework contains three classes of easing strategies for 7 easing variants: Quadratic easing (p(t) = t2), Cubic (p(t) = t3) easing, Quartic (p(t) = t4) easing, Quintic (p(t) = t5) easing, Sinusoidal (p(t) = sin(t × π⁄2)) easing, Exponential (p(t) = 210(t-1)) easing and Circular (p(t) = 1 - √1 - t2) easing

Custom easing strategies can be implemented by subclassing abstract Easing class.



jpeg | Roland Tepp | R&D | Work: +372 697-6597 | Mobile: +372 556-12458 | MSN: roland14@xxxxxxxxxxxx | Google Talk: luolong@xxxxxxxxx |

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