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[nebula-dev] Re: CompositeTable - moving forward

Hi Peter

nice to hear you want to improve compositeTable! The patch you pointed
me to does not include all my changes. It applies to the bug it is
posted for + plus my changes to the arrive- & depart-related bugs 

("IRowFocusListener arrive() and depart() inconsistent":

I tried to keep all patches separate so that Dave could decide
independently on each issue. I included my changes to arrive- &
depart-procedures as those 2 issues were closely related and there
wouldn't be any sense to patch the one but not the other. 
I did not find the time to check if there are any changes to the cvs
since I posted my patches. I diff'ed my changes to the code that was in
cvs at that time. 


ps. My current project unfortunately is not eclipse related (QT4 stuff)
but I hope to get back in a few months. Nevertheless I'd try to
contribute whereever I can.

On Thu, 2007-05-10 at 17:21 -0400, Peter Centgraf wrote:
> Hi André,
> I'd like to start some work to improve CompositeTable -- tracking selection
> and/or checked state, building a JFace Viewer, etc.  You seem to have the
> latest working bits, since Dave has been swamped recently.  Does the patch
> here include all of your changes?  Was it created from the latest CVS HEAD?
> Dave,
> Do you have any uncommitted changes that I should include, or major design
> ideas that you haven't had time to realize?  I'll try not to interfere with
> any groundwork you've laid for future features.
> Thanks.  You'll see my progress up on Bugzilla very soon.
> --
> Peter
> !DSPAM:46438cd5280883936241041!

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