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Re: [mylyn-docs-dev] Website for Mylyn docs


we discussed this on the Mylyn call and the consensus was that we don't have the bandwidth to maintain a separate website and git repository for each sub-project. Hence I have gone ahead and resolved this bug which provides much nicer and more informative pages with links to all bug-projects for free (see

 354513: use data driven websites for sub-projects

The description part is HTML that we can easily change, add screenshots, links to the Wiki etc. like we did for the MFT project for example: . Jeremie, please let us know if you have suggestions for updating the content.

That said, if anyone wants to step up to maintain the Mylyn Docs website we can of course replace the data-driven page with a regular project site at any time. I would suggest to open a Bugzilla bug for that with a proposal and content etc. so that we can review and consider the request.

I'll have opened a bug to migrate the existing content that is served under which includes the description.html for Mylyn Docs to Git to make it more easily accessible:

 389672: Move Mylyn website to Git


On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 1:23 AM, Torkild Ulvøy Resheim <torkildr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Great initiative Jeremie!

I agree that we absolutely need to do something about the web page. If we could get access to it committers and even contributors would be able to improve on it. Note that we also have for the technical bits.

Best regards,

13. sep. 2012 kl. 10:14 skrev <dev@xxxxxxxx>:

> Hi,
> The website of Mylyn Docs [1] is really empty.
> Could Mylyn Docs open a request to get its git repository for the
> website [2] ?
> After the repository creation, we could start to create content.
> To my mind the website should be as small as possible.
> * Description of the (sub)project / components:
> - EPUB tooling
> - Docs Framework
> - HtmlText
> - Wikitext
> - Vex ?
> * Link to the other content sources:
> Wiki, Eclipse Help, Mylyn download section, forum...
> It is important for every Eclipse Project to have a good landing page.
> New users will check this first to get information.
> I could propose a first version that commiters can
> review/correct/improve, before putting it online.
> Jeremie.
> [1]
> [2]
> On Wed,  5 Sep 2012 00:00:12 -0400 (EDT), emo@xxxxxxxxxxx (portal on
> behalf of emo) wrote:
>> David,
>> Projects are required to keep meta data up to date using the MyFoundation
>> Portal (  The following problems were found
>> with this project's meta-data:
>> * Project home page does not exist (projecturl =
>> returns a 404)
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Torkild Ulvøy Resheim
Consultant / Eclipse Committer / Senior Software Developer
Itema AS -

mylyn-docs-dev mailing list

Steffen Pingel
Principal Software Engineer, Eclipse Mylyn
Mylyn Tasks Lead

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