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[] Problems setting up a Papyrus workspace for Kepler development

Hello, team,

As you may already know (I hope that Sebastien or Remi has communicated it), I have been engaged to contribute support for persistence of Papyrus models in CDO repositories. To that end, my first step is to get a Kepler workspace up and running. I had success doing this with the 0.9 plug-ins last year when I did my initial analysis, but am having more difficulty now.

I found the 0.10 project-set files on the Wiki, and they have been helpful. However, I find many loose ends and questions about the organization of the SVN repository and the “liveliness” of certain plug-ins.

First, my target platform is basically the Kepler M4 milestone with a bunch of Modeling projects that I know Papyrus depends on (with EMF Compare Juno instead of the new Kepler version). I looked in the SVN releng folder for target definitions, but found only some targets with Indigo names. Are there Kepler-specific *.target files available somewhere?

Next, I loaded the “plugins”, “tests”, and “extraplugins” PSFs. Am I correct in understanding that these comprise the complete set of active, supported, and shipped Papyrus plug-ins? I ask because my work is very likely to require some API refactorings and I need to know the scope of client code that will be affected.

There do seem to be some gaps in these PSFs, however:

* there are some plug-ins required from the trunk/incoming folder in SVN that are not listed in the PSF. For example, oep.eclipse.project.editors,, and What is the “incoming” folder and should these plug-ins be promoted to the “plugins” folder? Or are they not going to be released with Kepler? Are there other plug-ins in this folder that are not in any PSF that I should check out into my workspace?

* there are some plug-ins required from the trunk/deprecated folder in SVN, also, that are not listed in the PSF. For example, org.eclipse.papyrus.resource[.edit], which are only required by the oep.sysml.diagram.parametric plug-in. Should this SysML plug-in also be deprecated? All three of these are still at version 0.9. Should the deprecated plug-ins still be maintained, and included in API refactorings? Are they still built and shipped?

* the “extraplugins” PSF includes several plug-ins that are still at 0.7.x version, including oep.adaptor.modisco, oep.diagram.umltools.clazz, oep.diagramqueryresult,[.ui],, and oep.spem2.profile. Are these still in active development? Are they still built and shipped?

Then, there are dependency problems in the projects that the PSFs loaded into my workspace that I cannot resolve, because I can’t find the required plug-ins:

* oep.sasheditor.ui (version 0.7.0!) requires oep.sasheditor plug-in. Where is it?oep.sasheditor.ui is in the deprecated tree; should I just delete it? Perhaps it should be removed from the PSFs. Other plug-ins that are missing dependencies that look like Papyrus plug-ins include oep.diagram.umltools.clazz,,, oep.adaptor.modisco, oep.operation.editor.xtext.ui, oep.spem2.profile, oep.conversion.di2todi, oep.diagramqueryresult, and oep.qvtTransformation

* there are a few plug-ins that have classpath errors of the “type Xyz cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files” variety. These indicate misconfigured plug-in dependencies. Are these plug-ins still being maintained? e.g., oep.sysml.diagram.parametric, oep.diagramdev.modelexplorer,

* a bunch of Xtext plug-ins have compilation errors indicating that they are not compatible with the Kelper M4 milestone of Xtext. Which version does Papyrus Kepler M4 require? The oep.infra.xtext.widgets plug-in has a raft of compilation errors for unresolved types that may be related to the Xtext version; I’m not sure.

* at least one plug-in appears to be using an out-of-date UML API: oep.conversion.di2

So, how can I best determine the complete and correct set of plug-ins that are currently in active development in the Papyrus project?

Also, CDO’s Kepler release has already adopted the EMF Compare 2/3 API for its team integration feature. Does Papyrus intend to update from EMF Compare 1.3.x to the 2/3 version for Kepler?



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