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Re: [] tests JUnit for ModelExplorer


  JUnit Tests are very useful, and Papyrus team should use them more heavily.

  Normally,  in a normal development process, all Papyrus commiters should :
  • checkout all test plugins with the normal plugins (tests are located in trunk/tests, they have the same architecture than other plugins).
  • rerun tests before any commits, in order to check for regressions
  • provide a tests plugin  with any new plugin
  Also, we need to automate a nightly run of tests, once again in order to check for regressions.
 Don't forget to locate your test plugin at its right place: trunk/tests/plugins/core

LORENZO Vincent a écrit :


I created a new bug for JUnit Tests :  360116: [Model Explorer] Papyrus ModelExplorer should be covered with JUnit Test.

I commited a new plugin on the branch/incoming : oep.modelexplorer.test in order to test handler activation and execution.

Currently, this plugin tests the activation of the following handlers :

- Delete action :

                - Table

                - Diagram

                - root of the model (disabled)

                - LinkItem (emf-facet) (disabled)

                - read-only element (disabled)

                - UML element

- Rename action :

                - Table

                - Diagram

                - read-only element (disabled)

                - LinkItem (disabled)

                - UnnamedElement (disabled)

                - UML Element


I’m going to complete these tests in a few day, to test the execution of the actions and the Undo/Redo.


I applied these tests on the Papyrus branch yesterday (not yet tested on the trunk) and I already corrected some bugs, so I think they will be very useful for the refactoring.



Best regards,


Vincent Lorenzo



91191 Gif/Yvette CEDEX


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