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[mat-dev] NoSuchMethodError: org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status.<init>

Hello Everyone,

I'm running Eclipse SDK version 3.2.2 included with Ubuntu 8.04. I installed MAT from the Update Site at: . It seemed to install okay and I restarted Eclipse and used File/Open to open a heap dump I had saved using jmap. It started to load the heap file and there was a progress bar. In a second or two it had advanced to about 25% and then in the window it said there had been an internal error. I looked in the .metadata/.log and found the following exception:

!ENTRY 4 2 2008-05-28 11:16:52.586
!MESSAGE An internal error occurred during: "Parsing heap dump from '/home/jjohnson/HeapDump.hprof'".
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status.<init>(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
        at org.eclipse.mat.ui.util.ProgressMonitorWrapper.doSendUserMessage(
        at org.eclipse.mat.ui.util.ProgressMonitorWrapper.sendUserMessage(
        at org.eclipse.mat.hprof.HprofParserHandlerImpl.beforePass2(
        at org.eclipse.mat.hprof.HprofIndexBuilder.fill(
        at org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.SnapshotFactoryImpl.parse(
        at org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.SnapshotFactoryImpl.openSnapshot(
        at org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.SnapshotFactory.openSnapshot(

Any ideas?


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