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Re: [m2e-users] Long term outlook for 'M2E plugin execution not covered'

`b) Others who would like maven/ide plugin to delegate the build to maven completely. These users either don't face or don't care for the performance problem because of various reasons which are not important for this discussion.
>>>> If m2e can provide an option to be configured to operate in mode #b, then neither group has to sacrifice. I will let m2e developers tell us how difficult it is to support this additional mode.
>>> If you want option b) then your use case is already supported. Use the maven-eclipse-plugin to generate your eclipse files and then just do your build with Maven configured as an external tool. Every time you make changes to your POMs you just generate the Eclipse files again.
>> Well, the better way would be to import with m2e, let it update the project configuration as good as it can (its way better than the maven-eclipse-plugin) and then just disable/enable m2e on the projects when you need/want it.
> This requires almost everything we do now. Let's take source generation for example: you would still need to use configurators in order to generate sources and make the workspace aware of those sources. Otherwise a user imports a project and sources they need are not available. You either need to run Maven, an individual mojo or a configurator. Additionally it would just be even more confusing having two primary modes of operation and the surface area to support becomes problematic again. 
> Users will complain that things don't work and I don't believe this is viable. I'm only interested in making it work properly which I consider full integration. I certainly wouldn't expend any effort here trying to make b) work. If you want static, non-realtime integration with Maven then the maven-eclipse-plugin is what you want.

Maybe i'm missing something here but maven-eclipse-plugin covers only src and basic dependencies - the rest (i.e. gwt, wtp, jsf, cdi, guide etc. integration won't be configured via this).
Using the configurators available from m2e makes a much better maven-eclipse-plugin imo and they effectively end up with the same - an eclipse configured based on as much it can from the pom.xml. 

Or is there some other magic that happens that i'm missing ?

> max

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