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[m2e-users] Eclipse indigo, m2e and maven-bundle-plugin:manifest goal


I am having difficulty using maven-bundle-plugin to generate OSGi manifest in a Maven project in Eclipse Indigo. I have installed m2e plugin as shown below:

m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse - m2e

I created a simple maven project and tried to configure maven-bundle-plugin as the attached pom.xml [1] shows. As the pom shows, I am trying to configure maven-bundle-plugin to generate the manifest in process-classes phase. To keep things simple, I have tried to keep the pom as simple as possible in this example. I see the following error from m2e:

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:2.3.4:manifest (execution: bundle-manifest, phase: process-classes)

This was not the case when I was using m2e with Eclipse Helios. Any clue what's going on here and how to make it work.


[1] pom.xml


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