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Re: [m2e-users] Dev build of m2e-wtp 0.13.1 available for testing

ServletContext.getRealPath(String) is generally not portable and not reliable method of accessing the contents of the web application. For example when running from a non-expanded war this method returns null for all paths. On the other hand, ServletContext.getResource(String) should work irregardless of particular application server and deployment method.


On 07/08/2011 09:24 AM, Klaus Reimer wrote:
On 07/07/2011 07:17 PM, Fred Bricon wrote:
Please give this dev build a try so we can definitely release 0.13.1
ASAP and reinstate m2e-wtp in the m2e marketplace.
I have a serious problem with it. An existing web application of mine
uses code like this to access some files in the WEB-INF directory (WAR
is always deployed exploded):

File webInfDir = servlet.getServletContext().getRealPath("WEB-INF");

With the old m2e-wtp getRealpath returned the web root directory from
the eclipse project where the real files are located. But now it returns
the target/m2e-wtp/web-resources directory which is always empty. So my
web project can't access the files in the web root.

Is there a known workaround? If not then I have to add some java code to
the web project so it detects the m2e-wtp deployment and auto-corrects
the path.

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