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[m2e-dev] m2e and Java 9 support


FYI I published a snapshot build of initial m2e support for Java 9, working with the Java 9 support for Eclipse bits[1], available from this p2 repo:

It was built from this fork[2].

In a nutshell: 
- depends on new Oxygen 1.a JDT (internal) API for Java 9, but should work with current/previous Eclipse versions.
- JavaSE-9 is set according to source/target or release setting in maven-compiler-setting
- Run As > Maven Build is fixed (apparently)
- Dependencies are added to the module path, as per the `requires` statements in, same behaviour as maven-compiler-plugin. Which leads us to a chicken/egg problem:

In, when autocompleting on modules, only the dependencies with the module flag are found. But we need to know which modules to flag by reading the in the 1st place. Which makes a really bad UX, when the workflow becomes:
- add dependency to pom.xml
- add required module to Crap, no autocompletion!
- guess a module name anyway, save file
- update Maven project configuration
- module name now available for autocompletion in Too late!

So, the alternatives are:
1 - put all maven dependencies on the module path. So easy but yuck!
2 - make jdt search for candidate modules both in the modulepath and classpath, regardless of the module flag, when autocompleting. Then add a resource listener on module-info,java to update the module flag on Maven dependencies, when a new required module is added. No need for Maven project configuration update.
3 - Other?


There certainly are use cases that will break with, so please give 1.8.2 a try. 


"Have you tried turning it off and on again" - The IT Crowd
And if that fails, then

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