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Re: [m2e-dev] UpdateMavenProjectJob locking whole workspace, even while "just" downloading dependencies

On 08/31/2015 04:29 PM, Anton Tanasenko wrote:
M2e reconsiders which additional projects need updating during the whole refresh job run. When a certain dependency is downloaded, all projects that depend on it are also added to the queue, widening the number of affected resources. Those projects could also cause download of other dependencies, etc. So downloads do not happen in one go.
But couldn't the workspace change (I don't know what they are actually, files in .settings I guess?) be applied after everything is downloaded? So during download, other operations (such as other builds, imports...) aren't stuck.
Also, If you drop the lock during download, editing some pom file at that time could cause partially misconfigured projects later on.
The job could check that and re-run the download/computation part before updating workspace.

If you have troubles with long update times between changing poms of different projects, I'd suggest turning workspace autobuild off, and back on after you've made all needed changes.
I've been using it quite a lot and the only thing I miss is some toolbar button to turn it on and off without using menu or hotkeys.
I'm not using UI, I'm using the API to implement an alternative import startegy.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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