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Re: [lsp4e-dev] LSP4E Docs

Hi Patrik,

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 5:28 PM, Patrik Suzzi <psuzzi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
1. add updated documentation in asciidoc format in the "doc" project 

You mean the "doc" folder?
If so, no objection to include doc in the repo.
2. add a maven build that generates the mvn site for the project "doc"

I don't think it's really necessary to go that far. Given that the target of LSP4E are Eclipse plugin developers, I don't think they need a generated site. Just some asciidoc files would work.
3. rename the "doc" project to "org.eclipse.lsp4e.doc"

What would be the benefit of such rename?
4. Add a tutorial explaining how to create a language server with XText and consume it with LSP4E.

Ok, any example is welcome. That said, it's important to make the tutorial not sound like XText is mandatory and insisting on the approach being language agnostic.

Overall, documentation is welcome, but keep in mind how much value is each of this task likely to provide, ie how many new adopters would LSP4E get. If some actions are questionable in term of value, we should consider delaying in favor or more profitable efforts.


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