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[lsp4e-dev] 0.3.0 Release soon, but when?

Hi all,

As the Oxygen.1 RC cycle is started, I believe it's about time to start considering the release of LSP4E 0.3.0. It has received a lot of very good contributions, and some very important bugfixes for good adoption.
Is anyone aware of some remaining issue that *must* be fixed before the release and inclusion into Oxygen for good adoption? Please keep focus on the must-have (and put a high criticity/priority on the related bugs).

Depending on that list, we can decide whether to delay 0.3.0 release or not.
If it's OK for everyone and no issue is remaining, we'll try to build it and put it in Oxygen.1 this week.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE developer, at Red Hat Developers community

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