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[leshan-dev] Fwd: [core] CoAP Implementation Workshop?

Since we are discussing this high performance CoAP for leshan cluster. This workshop looks interesting.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carsten Bormann <cabo@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 10:46 AM
Subject: [core] CoAP Implementation Workshop?
To: "core@xxxxxxxx WG" <core@xxxxxxxx>, "lwip@xxxxxxxx" <lwip@xxxxxxxx>, "t2trg@xxxxxxxx" <t2trg@xxxxxxxx>

This is a heads-up that a T2TRG workshop focusing on CoAP implementation
might materialize in week 37 (w/c September 12) in the London area.

Potential topics might include:

* High-performance backend implementations
* Requirements and implementation strategies for load balancers and
  other CoAP intermediates

* Low-resource implementation strategies
* Minimal implementations, "how low can you go"
* Benefits from cross-layer optimizations with network stack

* Integrating with security
* APIs, both backend and on the constrained device

(We have an LWIG document on CoAP implementation that might also count
as input and benefit from this workshop:

If there is interest, we might also want to include CBOR implementations
for both backends and devices in the topics.

We are likely going for a submission-based approach, where the
submission might be a position paper, a blog article, a demo proposal, a
slide deck, a github repo with some interesting issue discussions...
So the participants can prepare for the workshop by finding out about
the other participants' work, ideas, and pain points.

So how does that sound?  If you are interested or might be, please drop
a line to the T2TRG list (Reply-To set up for this) or to the chairs
(Ari and me).

Grüße, Carsten

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