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[leshan-dev] ask for help: how to get request sender identity‏

First of all I'd like to thank everybody for your help. Just to note that I am trying to use leshan library to implement  a proof of concept IoT distributed system.

The (first) problem I'm facing is that on the client side, when a request is coming from a server
I have no way of determining which server sent the request. In LwM2mInstanceEnabler interface the relevant methods (read(), write() execute() ) do not have any argument from which I can retrieve the server's identity.
So if I want e.g. to run different code on an incoming execute request, depending on server which made the request, I just can't. Is there any way to do that? Am I missing something?

As a different (and temporary) approach, I tried to pass on an execute request, the server's identity(a string identifier or ip etc.) as argument but even if I send the execute request with params, client always gets the params argument equal to null( method LwM2mInstanceEnabler.execute(int resourceid, byte[] params) ).
Is passing argument on execute request not impemented yet or am I doing something wrong?

thanks again for your time.

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