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[jwt-dev] Notes of the telco

Hi all,
please find below some notes that I have been taking during the telco today. If something is missing or wrong, please feel free to correct me.
Best regards,

Java Workflow Tooling

Notes Telco 2008-01-14 15:00pm – 16:15pm


è    Attending:

Florian Lautenbacher (Uni Augsburg)

Marc Dutoo (OpenWide)

Loic Descotte (OpenWide)

Miguel Valdes Faura (Bull)

Adrian Mos (INRIA)

Alain Boulze (INRIA)


absent with valid excuse: Stéphane Drapeau (Obeo)


Topics of the telco:

è    Loic was describing about demonstrations on the plattform, integration of Bonita services, integration into the portal

è    Florian described the workflow editor, some new features and will send around some screenshots in due course

è    Marc describes that thanks to Stéphane the code of the transformation from BPMN to JWT is implemented right now (bpmn to bpel will be implemented in SCOrWare) with ATL;  transformations from JWT to BPMN (the model from intalio) is currently discussed, the transformations are at the moment not yet available, but will be after they have been finalized

è    The SCOrWare project has a deadline in 10 days (24.01.), after that the transformations can be committed somewhen to JWT as well

è    Some work was also done on transformations from JWT to Bonita-supported-xpdl using XSLT

è    Everything including Bonita or SCA might have a problem with the used LGPL license since that one is incompatible with the EPL  - we will see how this emerges

è    Marc describes why Bonita and SCA does make sense in the context of JWT.

è    Alain describes further the integration between JWT and SOA

è    Miguel raises the issue of how JWT and the PVM can be integrated. Some further discussions happened about that at JavaPolis and some more will happen at Linux Solutions (in Paris?) which many of the attendees of the telco as well as some other companies (Spagic, JBoss, etc.) will attend. Whoever will attend the Linux Solutions, please let us know.

è    Concerning the release review: Florian needs to ask emo about the Eclipse Quality (what that includes, etc.) and will integrate the architectural thoughts of the Eclipse Summit Europe presentation, he will include some of the standards used, write something about the administrative issues we had, include bonita and orchestra in the communities. As soon as that has been finished, he will send a new version of the slides around on the mailing list.

è    Next release (after the one planned for the end of January) will be in July and we are targeting to have a release every half a year!

è    Concerning JWT and STP IM: On the SCOrWare project meeting on 27th January, Stéphane will show some of the transformations and his/their experience using ATL, so in this SCOrWare meeting and after that a decision of the transformation language can be made as well as responsibilities and resources can be planned

è    Florian states that he and the University of Augsburg will have some issues doing this due to limited resources: the project AgilPro has been finished and they are currently looking for further projects to finanze the future work on JWT. However, Florian will contribute further to the project, but how many students can be integrated is currently not known

è    Therefore the idea emerged (which has already been discussed before somewhen) to make an European project: with the first release of the workflow editor we will see an ascent of usage and maybe we will also find some ideas how the involved companies and research institutes might work together on additional subjects in the future (OpenWide, Bull, JBoss, Obeo, INRIA, University of Augsburg, etc.)

è    As the discussions between JWT and STP IM are emerging, the question came up how we can collaborate with Spagic, since they use parts of BPMN, use STP IM as an intermediate model e.g. for BPEL or JBI-generation, they currently work on XPDL and it would be a pity to write code twice. Further discussions needed here.

è    Several of the project partners will attend the EclipseCon, so further project discussions can happen there, too.

è    Florian mentions a project meeting with the company Sopera which are interested in JWT and are currently making some tests of JWT especially in the context of the Deutsche Post. More to come here…

è    Marc describes that they are currently looking at the semantic matching in SCOrWare and how this might be integrated into JWT.

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