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[jwt-dev] Eclipse Summit Europe Presentation

Hi Marc, hi all,
please find attached a first draft version of our presentation at the Eclipse Summit Europe 2007 (at the 11th of October) in Ludwigsburg, Germany. I started with some slides explaining the vision of JWT and ideas of JWT WE. It would be great if you could assist me in building  some more slides that I shall show describing the WAM part, the timeline of our project, integration of JWT in the business process lifecycle, added values of using JWT, etc. (see last slide of the presentation for some more ideas).
Thanks a lot for your assistance and best regards,
 Dipl.-Inf. Florian Lautenbacher
 Programming Distributed Systems Lab
 Institute of Computer Science
 University of Augsburg
 Universitätsstr. 14
 86135 Augsburg, Germany
 phone:  +49 821 598-3103
 fax:    +49 821 598-2175

Attachment: EclipseSummitEurope2007_JWT_presentation_v0_1.ppt
Description: MS-Powerpoint presentation

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