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Re: [jetty-users] Dramatic throughput slow down of custom FileServlet Jetty 9.4.5

Everything you are doing in your TestWebServer#FilesServlet is what the DefaultServlet already does, and much more efficiently (with async I/O, java NIO, and memory mapped files)

This might be useful to you

SocketConnector is an ancient blocking I/O connector.

Jetty 9 has no blocking connectors of any kind.
ServerConnector is the mechanism that handles protocol selection and encryption based on the chosen ConnectionFactories and HttpConfigurations you give it. (welcome to the new world of web protocols :-)

Joakim Erdfelt / joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx

On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 7:58 AM, Olaf van der Meer <o.vandermeer@xxxxxx> wrote:



I have updated my Jetty web server from version 8.1.4 to 9.4.5. Since than, downloading big files takes much more time.

I have got an own servlet which can serve files from disc (a folder named ‘html’ next to running instance of the web server)

Using version 8.1.4 the throughput is fine, using 9.4.5 not. The throughput is 10 times less.


For the update I need to change the SocketConnector to a ServerConnector. This might be wrong?


Can anyone give me an explanation/solution for this?


Attached is a stripped copy of my code.







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