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Re: [jetty-users] IndexOutOfBoundsException in BufferUtil.appendDebugString

A few further observations.

it does not seem to trigger at all when fed a slow stream of single requests via
      $ for f in $(seq 1 10000); do curl ...

it does trigger when fed a fast stream of individual requests via
      $ ab -n 10000 -c 1 ...

it occurs at a rate of 3-5 in a thousand. From a fresh start, I only get 1 or 2 in the first thousand but the rate advances as several thousands are processed to more or less 'stabilise' around 5/1000.

Increasing the concurrency on ab to -c 8 and -c 16 appears to have no significant impact on the exception rate.

On the bright side, tracing through the server code informed me that the only reason I was hitting this is because I had misconfigured logging and left debug unintentionally enabled.  

I fixed the logging and my request rate returned to expected levels. I can't envision a scenario when I would want to run a load test with debug enabled and even if I did, it runs cleanly ~99.5% of the time, so this is no longer a high-priority issue for me.

I added a comment to which is current marked as RESOLVED WORKSFORME. I don't know enough about your workflow to want to touch that.

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