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Re: [jetty-users] Maven Jetty Plugin Multiple Module Project

Thanks for that Denis,

I raised and fixed

With jetty-9.5 (and the next snapshot that the CI build system should
push out soon), you will be able to use the <stopWait> parameter with
jetty:stop mojo. It is the max time in seconds that the stop mojo will
wait for confirmation that jetty has stopped. If you don't specify
this number, the stop mojo just tells jetty to stop and finishes (ie
current behaviour).

I've tested this with a simple project with 2 web sub-modules so it
should work. However, if you test it in your environment and the fix
doesn't work, by all means reopen the bug and attach a test project
that reproduces it and I'll take another look.


On 9 July 2013 18:34, Denis Tunović <denis.tunovic@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have Maven parent project that has multiple modules each building a war.
> Next to that I use a integration profile that uses the SoapUI (maven pugin)
> to test each module war that is started in Jetty
> (org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin:9.0.4.v20130625:run) during
> pre-integration-test phase of each module. In each module I also have stop
> Jetty in the post-integration-test phase with its own stopKey and stopPort
> matching the run goal.
> The problem is that when one module is finished and its stopping Jetty,
> other module will try to start Jetty resulting in "Failed to execute goal
> org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin:9.0.4.v20130625:run (start-jetty) on
> project module2: Failure: ShutdownMonitorThread already started". I am
> wondering why is this conflicting while they have different stopKey and
> stopPort?
> I have tried using run-forked goal but this will hang on Jetty start up and
> not continue with the tests. Trying <waitForChild>false</waitForChild> will
> continue with my tests before Jetty is started resulting in failed tests.
> Any clue on how to resolve the situation where modules don't conflict on
> Jetty threads?
> Cheers,
> Tuno
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