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[jetty-dev] CometDServlet behind a filter chain


Is it intentional that I have to put
<async-supported>true</async-supported> on _every_ filter in my filter
chain before it hits my CometDServlet?

I'm seeing this:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: !asyncSupported
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.startAsync(
at org.cometd.server.transport.LongPollingTransport.process(

And the only way to avoid that seems to be to add
<async-supported>true</async-supported> on every filter in the chain
before the servlet.

If just one of the filters is missing this, then
ServletHandler.doFilter will call baseRequest.setAsyncSupported(false)
and it is never again set to true.

Setting <async-supported>true</async-supported> on the <servlet> does
not seem to make any difference, as request.isAsyncRequest still
returns false seen from the LongPollingTransport. Propbably because it
was set to false by one of the filters in the chain.

Is this just the way Servlet 3.0 async is supposed to work, or am I
seeing a bug?


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