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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] Packages in Eclipse

Hi, (i will reply only here.. hope it has enough people listening.)

> This is an interesting issue...

i though so. :-)

> In JDT the packages of a project  are derived from the project's build
> class path.
> The build class path defines the package fragment roots and all folders
> inside
> a package fragment root become packages.

Very bad practice.
I define a unit, and i call it a unit, because in all those years of
developing in
VAJ. I don't see packages as a directory structure anymore. A package
is ONE unit and should be treated like that. How it is stored is not

> As you point out this approach has the problem with empty "inner"
> The packages view filters them out by default, but the class creation
> wizard doesn't, so you can still create new types in empty inner folders.

But because they filter them out. I can't click on it and say new Class.
We (Eric of Instantiations and i)  had exactly the same problem with there

The strange thing now is when i say: create new package, and i make a
that is one less of another then that packages just won't appear. Very

> A feature we have discussed but that isn't currently considered for 2.0 is
a way
> to define that  a folder inside a package fragment root isn't a Java
> package
> and shouldn't be considered by the Java core infrastructure. This would
> address the empty inner packages problem. The user could tag
> them as non-packages to get them out of the way.

I think the real solution is just that you specify what the packages are (so
not the other way around)
Just store in a meta file: This and this are packages. And read from that

> FYI, we are also experimenting with "flat packages list" browsing and have
> a prototype. The plan is to make it available for discussion on this list
> soon.

CodePro already has this. You can switch from on to the other with one
But i am always i the flat mode (VAJ). Because of what i said above that I
see them as a directory structure.


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