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[] Selecting badges for Jakarta EE branding


We are about to create two new badges for Jakarta EE. These badges are going to be used by Jakarta EE Working Group members to promote industry awareness of the Jakarta EE brand, and so we are asking for working group members’ input in choosing them.

Specifically, the two badges are:

"Jakarta EE Compatible” badge.  As we move towards the release of Jakarta EE 8 later this year, we will have a number of products be certified as being Jakarta EE 8 compatible.  To indicate these products are in fact deemed compatible, we want to introduce a badge that can be used in association with those products.

"Jakarta EE Member” badge. To help promote the Jakarta EE Working Group, and membership in the working group, we want to introduce a badge that members can use to indicate their participation.  

Details about the use of these badges is defined on the Jakarta EE website.

We will send an email shortly asking for you to vote on your top three choices for each of these.  We will run the vote until February 12. The winner will be chosen by the Jakarta EE Marketing Committee later in February, and announced shortly thereafter.

Please vote so we get the input from all working group members!


Paul White
+1.613.852.4303 (mobile)

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