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Re: [] Messaging for CodeOne/EclipseCon



Thanks for the updates. I guess “Messaging” is not about Java Messaging (JMS) but while you (David) officially have the lead in that spec, I was already in the prior JSR and we shared some ideas that were not accomplished by Oracle in the course of Java EE 8 (JMS 2.1)


Among them are tighter integration with CDI, so a MessageConsumer or MDB could also seamlessly be consumer in CDI sense. Others not so different from what Markus mentioned are IoT, Edge Computing and standards followed elsewhere at Eclipse Foundation like MQTT or AMQP. Some popular projects like ActiveMQ already support all of them. And therefore it may not all affect the standard itself, but allowing JMS to interact with those more easily is an important aspects I’d love to see happen and help Eclipse Messaging with.


Another hot “buzzwordish” topic I deal with a lot is Push. I see projects in my work for clients where e.g. a JMS message gets sent and then via proprietary vendor-specific Push technologies (some of it related or built around e.g. Websockets) the message is translated into a push message.

Could we not do something similar in a standard compliant way directly from a JMS Message?




From: Markus KARG
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 13:13
To: 'Jakarta EE Working Group'; 'EE4J PMC Discussions'
Subject: Re: [] Messaging for CodeOne/EclipseCon


While I do not have the time to pull the infos, I can push mine: At JAX-RS I'm driving towards Java SE, CDI 2, Microservices, Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Embedded Computing. I assume other committers would use the same buzzwords. What we can actually deliver and when is open (besides Java SE, which is done already).




From: [] On Behalf Of David Blevins
Sent: Montag, 24. September 2018 08:12
To: Jakarta EE Working Group; EE4J PMC Discussions
Subject: [] Messaging for CodeOne/EclipseCon


Hello community,


Normally at the former JavaOne there'd be a section of the keynote dedicated to Java EE which usually included messaging like theme, roadmap, focus area.  This would usually get repeated in various panel sessions, etc.  This is easier to do when direction is dictated.  This topic came up in the Jakarta EE Steering Committee and everyone universally felt a dictated message was not appropriate and we should do our best to pull something together as a community.


Are there any volunteers who are willing to help collect some technical direction from the various projects?  I.e. what would people in the project want people at the conference to know?


We have about 15-20 calendar days we can spend on this before we run out of runway.  In other words: actions are better than ideas.  Feel encouraged to take the initiative in your respective project.






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