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Re: [] JAX-RS 2.1.1 Available On Maven Central

On 2018-09-09 7:18 AM, Markus KARG wrote:

Unfortunately this is not the EFs official policy. According to EF president Mike Milinkovic, all EE4J API projects shall NOT force features from vendors, but instead shall only wrap existing features under a common hood. What I did is adding feature to API AND to Jersey parallel, and encouraged other vendors to follow.


I don't recall ever making the statement above. It's possible that there's been a misunderstanding.

I do expect innovation to happen in the specifications once we get the process going. There will have to be some give-and-take between the aspirations of the community and the vendors who have to bear the cost of implementing them. But I see that as a normal part of any specification process that desires to deliver new innovations.

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