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Re: [] Kanban boards for GitHub issues


Generally, the Eclipse Foundation administrators set this kind of thing up. I don't know what the requirements for making things like this happen. My impression is that they want to know about the product. Maybe it's license and things like that. I've asked Wayne. Feel free to go ahead and file an issue. Perhaps it's easy and quick.

-- Ed

On 8/28/2018 12:51 PM, Werner Keil wrote:
Waffle would require someone with admin rights to the subsequent repo.
I just tried for OpenMQ and it seems the project was properly created, but 
Waffle needs an admin of eclipse-ee4j/openmq to configure webhooks, to enable real time updates from GitHub.

So that is the sort of admin required in Waffle's case, whether Eclipse webmasters have it or others in the PMC, I dont know, but each of them could help creating the webhooks (everyone who has access to OpenMQ in GitHub should also see everything in the Waffle project)

I picked the advanced layout with "Inbox", "Backlog", "In Progress", "Review" and "Done", which seems most appropriate, e.g. for tasks that need review by the PMC or somebody else ;-)


On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 8:04 PM Ivar Grimstad <ivar.grimstad@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I don't see the PMC would ever care about how the EE4J projects are managed internally. If the GitHub extensions require some sort of assistance/configuration by the Eclipse Foundation Webmaster, they may have something to say about it. 


On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 7:47 PM Richard Monson-Haefel <rmonson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Require is probably too strong of a word. I should have said, encourage.

On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 12:45 PM, Markus KARG <markus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

At least at JAX-RS we do not plan in such detail upfront, so we do not need any kind of kanban board at all. Also, projects are independent. So you cannot require us to use tools we do not need.



From: [] On Behalf Of Richard Monson-Haefel
Sent: Dienstag, 28. August 2018 19:32
To: Jakarta EE community discussions
Subject: Re: [] Kanban boards for GitHub issues


Having a single system would, in my opinion, that can cascade hierarchically would be best. That way I can look at the entire project at the top level and drill down to individual projects.  This would make everything both very transparent and easy to access.  We already require all of the projects to use GitHub. I see no problem in requiring them all to use the same kanban board.  If the new Projects feature on GitHub supports that then we should use that.


On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 11:13 AM, Werner Keil <werner.keil@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:



I'm wondering, if any of you have considered using or already use Kanban board extensions for GitHub issues? Recently GitHub itself included the so called "projects" feature:


Which would allow to coordinate issues by multiple components and features across e.g. a Jakarta EE release. The same board is also available inside each project.


What we started using especially after shut down its JIRA for JSRs like 363/385 is Waffle


A nice feature close to JIRA links is a "requires" tag allowing to define some issues as show-stoppers for others and vice versa.


Any other similar tools you would recommend?

While the top level project is probably something the Platform project may find useful, other tools and "Kanban" extensions are probably up to individual projects like using Travis-CI or other tools if they find them helpful to their goals.


If there are other alternatives that projects already use, please let us know, otherwise it may be more for individual project lists to discuss what may be useful.





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