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Re: [iot-wg] LwM2M specification essential patents


thanks.  Apologies.


On 04/01/2015 07:15 PM, Mike Milinkovich wrote:

The discussion of intellectual property concerns of this nature should not be conducted on public mailing lists.

In the future, please address any similar concerns to license@xxxxxxxxxxx


On 01/04/2015 1:13 PM, Ian Craggs wrote:
Hello all,

the LwM2M specification has some essential patents associated with it, two of which are documented on this page:

I have been wondering how this affects the projects that implement this specification (at least Leshan and Wakaama). Is it part of the project creation process to ensure that any specifications can be (legally) implemented? Are there any limitations on the implementation of this specification that we know of?


Ian Craggs
icraggs@xxxxxxxxxx                 IBM United Kingdom
Paho Project Lead; Committer on Mosquitto

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